
who the

HPV and the vögeln™ backstory

Hey I'm Katie (she/her),

Founder of OhMyV and the brand vögeln™

I've always been on top of my cervical screenings and even had the HPV vaccine. But at 37, I found out I had HPV strains that could lead to cervical cancer.

Regular screenings potentially saved my life.

My journey was a wild ride - I was anxious, scared, and unsure about the whole situation, but connecting with others who had gone through similar experiences made me realise just how common HPV and the surgery to remove the affected cells from the cervix really is.

I discovered that while condoms are important, they’re not so great at preventing HPV. Plus, chemicals in (some) condoms and lube can mess with vaginal tissue & the microbiome, which can increase infection risks.

Frustrated by the current products on offer and the stigma around pleasure, I created vögeln™. Our vision is to help close the gender gap in sexual health and health research.

vögeln™ is all about a more equitable future - safer sex & pleasure for all bodies.

So, keep up with your cervical screenings - screenings save lives.

It saved mine & could save yours!

join the vögeln waitlist and help close the gender sexual health gap! 🐦💦

